
Alcea, your personalized menstruation cycle tracking app with a unique touch. While there are other apps in the ​market, what sets us apart is our seamless connection to medical professionals and doctors right within the app. ​Recognizing the challenges brought on by the pandemic—whether it's making regular doctor visits difficult or feeling ​anxious about phone calls (a sentiment I share)—we created Alcea to bridge that gap. Our goal is to make it effortless ​for you to find instant answers to your health questions without navigating through forums, googling, or self-​diagnosing. While we still offer Q&As, forums, and group chats with other users, our app eliminates the need to ​endlessly Google or the hesitation when reaching out to a medical professional, especially concerning your ​reproductive health. Alcea is here to make your health journey smoother and more accessible.